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Etícia and the language course letícia is looking for

Post by marafatseo5 »

Because John's email address had not been used for a long time, Generitech assumed that the original sender of John's email had removed him from their contact list. Only spammers never prune their subscriber lists and keep sending emails to an invalid email address. Some anti-spam organizations even purchase expired domain names and then use these addresses as spam traps.

When an email address is revoked, we will treat the bounce as a soft bullet, because it is likely that the other party just encountered some temporary problem (such as forgetting to pay the email provider or something). Spam Chad Email List traps tend to use addresses that haven't been used in years, so you can keep sending a few emails to certain bounce addresses because the user of that address is likely to come back to that address again.


Your email address was purchased Emily believes her products are the best in the world and everyone should know about them. But only a few people subscribed to her emails, so poor Emily went online to purchase a list of email addresses, believing that everyone at these addresses would be interested in her awesome product.
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