First of all the small amount of time

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First of all the small amount of time

Post by JoYnSE33O44 »

How often you should do this is hard to say but I like the next month timeframe. Choose two languages ​​from different language families If you have a choice in the matter your heart usually won't allow you to do yourself a favor if you choose to learn languages ​​from different language families. Spanish and Italian, for example, are so close that you often find yourself confusing the two. See here to learn how to avoid confusing similar language. You will find that the proximity between two languages ​​is not only unhelpful but hinders your ability to learn either language with clarity.

For example you may find that pairing Spanish and Japanese is much easier as Phone Number List it helps you divide the two languages ​​into separate study time. Try different learning methods This is a minor point but I'm trying it. In Cantonese, I focus on speaking, reading and listening. However in Thai I'm trying something different focusing mainly on reading.


There are several reasons for this. e I could spend on Thai might be better focused on a narrow focus. Secondly, this is a completely different learning model from Cantonese. Finally not in Thailand, I may have more opportunities to read than speak in the near future, so learning to read is a good choice. Anyway separating the two language learning methods is a way to further keep them separate and I really like it. Can you learn two languages ​​at the same time.
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