We also care about building the experience

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We also care about building the experience

Post by Apuroos1455 »

You to do this with a virtual teacher, but even then we don't want learners to have to come up with these scenarios on their own all the time. The last two things I want to mention is that learning is also multi-sensory. This is also context-sensitive. Ideally, you want some kind of learning and context to happen, not just a chatbot. One last thing to mention is that people really need a sense of progress to stick with learning a language.

Because actual progress is so slow and incremental it's really hard to see. So what you do is, you have to show people the progress bar that's filling up, and you have to check. I think there are probably some ways that you can simulate that within the mentorship experience, but those are Job Function Email List some of the things that I think outside of that and building a path that you can take and all the other things that make that happen .


I want to go back to one of the things you were talking about that I'm very interested in, which is this idea of ​​figuring out what the problem is and what you need to learn next. I mean, historically, every language class I've ever taken, we would have a book and go from chapter one to chapter two. Someone, somewhere, has really thought through the sequence of it all. But at the same time, I don't know that this is necessarily.
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