Google Analytics it is possible to analyze the visits your website

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Google Analytics it is possible to analyze the visits your website

Post by shifa997 »

In the month, week, day and hour, but that is not the only reason GA is important. With the tool you can analyze your website's sales, best-selling products, most read posts, most accessed pages and even the main searches that users make on your website. Now that you know what Google Analytics is, how about finding out how it can help you with your analysis? Understand your website’s audience overview-google-analytics.png Google Analytics allows you to understand your user behavior. GA has reports that allow you to analyze behavior on your website with a wealth of information. With the report above we were able to find out the bounce rate, which is people who access the website and do not browse it; In addition to the bounce rate, it is possible to know whether the number of users are new or returning.

For an e-commerce, for example, the recurring rate is very important, as it shows that we are spending less to bring people. Know where your users come from origins-of-traffic-google-analytics-como-usar.png Google Analytics divides each visit Italy Email List to your website into traffic sources. Traffic sources allow you to know, for example, whether users arrived at your website through paid traffic (facebook ads, google ads) or price comparators. This is one of the reports most used by marketing analysts, as it allows you to measure revenue, conversion and visits by source, and thus calculate the ROI of each campaign. Compare your website with competitors download2.png Little used and known in Google Analytics is the brand comparison report. This report allows you to analyze consumer behavior kpis against your competitors.


Brand comparison will help you know if your marketing and usability work is good compared to your competitors and can also show you opportunities. By analyzing this GA tab, you, for example, can see which email is stronger among your competitors and therefore focus on this channel to optimize your results. Analyze the regions where users access your website geography-report-of-google-analytics1.png This is a very interesting area of ​​Google Analytics, with it you can analyze your website's traffic by region, that is, you can know which regions bring the most revenue, sessions and conversion. GA's geographic analysis is one of the most interesting reports for any type of segment, in addition to being able to analyze the kpis already reported here, you can look for opportunities, for example, if you have a blog that teaches courses, you can see which the region that has a lot of access to your website but you haven't taken a course yet.
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