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One issue that the country

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 10:33 am
by mehjabin3333333
Consider is that it also has a seat on the U.N. Security Council during the 2023-2024 term, a function that requires significant resources. The foreign ministry of Malta did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Diplomats from North Macedonia have been conducting intense negotiations behind the scenes for the past 10 months in an effort to find a solution before time runs out and the OSCE enters the new year without agreement on its political leadership. Bujar Osmani, the foreign minister of North Macedonia, tweeted about a phone call he had with his counterpart from Malta, Ian Borg, on Nov. 1, saying that they discussed “shared responsibility for the functionality and the future of the OSCE.

The Chairmanship of North Macedonia did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The current impasse is the result of events that began in November 2020, when Estonia launched a bid to take over the OSCE Chair in 2024. Soon after the launch of its candidacy, Estonia began to face opposition from Russia — a position Moscow has held to this day. The situation Luxembourg Email List got worse at the beginning of 2022, when Russia started its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, leading to heightened tensions and a strain in relations between Russia and the West. Given the deadlock, OSCE diplomats have been looking into alternative options, including an extension of North Macedonia’s Chairmanship beyond 2023. In addition, Austria, as host country of the OSCE, has hinted that it would be ready to step in, in case no consensus is found on Estonia or other alternatives.


As of recently, the situation has become even more complicated, with Russia not only opposing the Estonian candidacy but also indirectly rejecting the suggestion to prolong North Macedonia’s tenure as OSCE Chair. In September, the Russian mission to the OSCE posted remarks by Russian Ambassador to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich on X, formerly known as Twitter: “Russian representatives at all levels – from experts to the Minister of Foreign Affairs – have repeatedly spoken about the unacceptability of #Estonia’s candidacy. It didn’t get consensus back in 2021, and it won’t get it now either.” Lukashevich added: “We are ready to consider alternative candidates, but not from NATO. The OSCE will not survive another year with a NATO country at the helm.