It is important to highlight unique properties

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It is important to highlight unique properties

Post by rabbihasan21242 »

At the same time. Many companies are face with the fact that there is no certainty and it is impossible to preict the result. You can minimize the risks of failure with the help of a clear. Well develope strategy for promoting a new product. The development of such a strategy includes five main stages: research of the current state of the market at this stage. It is necessary to study the market for the availability of substitute products or products similar to the one being produce.

If there are already analogues on the market sold by competitors.n your product that can help Portuguese Timor Email List you stand out from their background. At this stage. It is also necessary to study consumer nees: whether the new product you are offering can really satisfy the current nees and solve the problems of your target audience. Follow global trends: there are many products that are not sold on the russian market.


But have been actively sold abroad for a long time. If you track the appearance of some new product on the foreign market in time. You can quickly introduce it into production. Release it on the domestic market and “skim the cream” from sales due to the fact that competitors will not have time to react so quickly. Development of a product positioning concept at this stage. The positioning of the product is approve and an advertising strategy for its promotion is develope.
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