7 Tips on Managing a Remote Inbound Sales Team You can Implement by Next Week

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7 Tips on Managing a Remote Inbound Sales Team You can Implement by Next Week

Post by sarmin12 »

Imagine a fully-remote sales team exceeding quotas by 200% every month. No commute, no micromanagement, and no expensive office space. Sounds like a good deal, right?

remote working has been a part of our culture since we were founded in 2015. Since day one, we’ve built our entire team around a “remote first” philosophy.

We’ve done everything remotely – hiring, onboarding,UAE Phone Number training and managing our inbound sales team. #WeWorkRemotely

remote sales team manager cent
Luiz Cent working remotely from Miami Florida.

If you’re a sales manager, here are some tips that will help you manage your remote sales team – perhaps this is a temporary situation until the pandemic subsides, or maybe you’ll end up making the change permanent.

We believe that remote working is the best scenario, and these are the insights we’ve gained along the way to develop and empower your remote sales team.

1. Develop a Pre/Post Demo Process & a SAAS Software Demo Script
At I had the opportunity to lead the first hundred or so inbound demos. I experimented with what worked best within those 30 minutes and eventually hired a sales coach from Sales Training to help refine our process.

In the beginning, I was winging it and seeing great results, but I quickly learned that this method wouldn’t be scalable as we hired our remote sales force. I realized that we needed a process and a script.


I also learned that a script doesn’t necessarily need to be fully rehearsed, and that it doesn’t kill autonomy. Think of a script as a way to empower your reps. You can utilize a demo process and script to build confidence while helping your sales reps drive efficient conversation and avoid getting dragged down rabbit holes.

Our process and script at has several elements. It all starts pre-demo with a multi-channel process to engage prospects before we even talk to them via Zoom.

Before we speak to a prospect on the phone, we send them an agenda that shows we care and that we have an idea of what we want to get done during the call. About half of the prospects respond, and a few will add things that they want to discuss during the call. (We love ♥️ this engagement, and it helps us prepare even more in the demo.)

a) Software Sales Demo Agenda Template:

sales demo agenda
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