The Mailshake Edge

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The Mailshake Edge

Post by soniaakter12 »

With a finely-tuned outreach list, James and his team are ready to start their cold email campaign. His preferred tool for this is Mailshake because he’s able to easily send out his three-part
UAE Phone Number cadence to a large number of people and seamlessly track opens, engagement, and responses all in one place.

Typically, the team will send out email blasts to anywhere from 50 to 100 people at a time. They carefully structure each email toward their end goal of fostering a new podcast guest. Following cold email best practices, they keep their emails extremely simple and short. In fact, they’re only three sentences, and use a question in the subject line to pique interest.

Here’s the exact template they use:

Subject: Podcast Interview?

Body: Hi [First Name],

I saw you were featured on the ______ list of the fastest-growing companies.

I’d love to have you as a guest on our podcast The B2B Growth Show.


We are a daily show that is downloaded over 50,000 times every month.



The hyperlink shown in the second sentence was eventually dropped because they discovered the emails were sometimes being routed to spam. Side note: removing all links is recommended for cold email outreach – including the links in your signature. (Many people add LinkedIn or Twitter links to show they’re human, but if the email doesn’t make it into the inbox, what’s the point?)

Why It Works:
Receiving an email like that strokes the ego. Who doesn’t want to be featured on a podcast, or at a minimum, feel important or validated enough to consider the invitation?

It’s the ultimate form of flattery, and even if they aren’t interested right now, they’re usually intrigued or flattered enough to at least respond with something like:

“Hey, I’m really swamped right now. Can you get back to
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