How to sell profitably on Amazon

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How to sell profitably on Amazon

Post by nupur222 »

From the editors we continue to publish articles that will help Ukrainian business to get back on its feet and survive during the war. This article is a synopsis of Evgeny Nekoz's webinar, it was helped to make by copywriter Svitlana Chaplich. Content of the article 5 important facts about Amazon In which countries is it better to trade with Amazon Basic Amazon trading models What budget is needed to start sales? Terms that a newbie on Amazon needs to know Quick start option How to find a product for sale on Amazon Amazon account Advertising and common mistakes on Amazon Useful links Offer from Inweb In the conditions of the war, many Ukrainians are interested in alternative ways of earning and are looking for ways to enter new markets. It is for them that we have prepared the main points from the webinar "How to sell profitably on Amazon" , aimed at beginners. Speaker Yevhen Nekoz has been working officially and has been selling on Amazon for 6 years.

It is among the top 500 sellers. There are 13 lawyers in the team, which is the maximum for Europe. We made abstracts of his webinar, the link to the video recording will be below. What is important for everyone who wants to trade on Amazon to know: how to register an account on Amazon; why it is better to focus on Europe and not on the USA; goods from which categories are better to sell; Amazon sales Benin Phone Number List models, Amazon commissions; the simplest selling schemes on Amazon; how to improve your product based on feedback; how to find a product for sale on Amazon; how to deliver goods from Ukraine/China; what documents need to be issued for the goods. 5 important facts about Amazon Ukraine is a major player in the Amazon market and ranks 8th in the world by the number of sellers. This is a hint for those who are still hesitating.


In fact Amazon can be a powerful tool for business development. Amazon is not good for selling handmade (embroidery, silverware, amber, etc.) - that's what Etsy is for. Amazon tried to compete with it, but lost despite eliminating commissions for handmakers. There are no cool handmade cases on Amazon. Amazon is profitable for selling bulk goods for everyday use, just like Walmart. People often think that it is easy to make money from nothing on Amazon. But this is work that requires time and perseverance. To get started, beginners need to realize that, firstly, this is a business, and secondly, that you need to know English. The theory is simple, but you need to learn the nuances. Without start-up capital, it is very difficult, because you need to buy at least a batch of goods. Some sellers hire assistants who make descriptions, keep records - these are additional costs.
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