Network dependency What to do if sales depend

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Network dependency What to do if sales depend

Post by nupur222 »

The global failure of the world's largest social networks has become a "black Monday" for everyone who conducts business on the Internet. Global social media crash 2021 The failure occurred around 4:00 p.m. and was only fixed around 8:00 p.m. Zuckerberg apologized. The reasons for the failure have not yet been officially announced. The business calculates losses and draws conclusions. Inweb offers a way out. The situation affected not only such giants as IT and media business (which often broadcasts its content through social networks). Medium and small businesses are already feeling the consequences of the failure. Users have complained en masse about the impossibility of logging into Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Users went to communicate with each other on other social networks and news began to arrive about problems in the work of Tik-Tok, Telegram, Google, YouTube.

This means that there was no opportunity to buy on the Internet, deals broke down, companies suffered losses. The crisis, in this case the crisis of social networks has become a kind of litmus test, which shows that any business dependence on external platforms is harmful. And addiction treatment is in the hands of the addict, that is, in the hands of the business itself. Only those who "laid their eggs in different baskets" were in an advantageous position (if we can talk about an advantage in this situation). That is, he created the Ghana Phone Number List foundation for successful trading on the Internet, his website. This is a place where the owner himself sets the rules, working hours, tone of voice. And only he himself can close the business. We all learned a lesson: you need to build a business in such a way that you feel like the master of the situation.


Own website with good ranking is the way to freedom of business from social network dependence The success of the site is laid already during its creation. How can we help those who only have a developed and working Instagram account? We will help you make a website. We will recommend a proven developer among our partners , we will help with the structure of the site at the development stage - SEO is indispensable here. SEO at the site development stage will allow: prepare the resource for promotion in search engines; do not redo the site after starting SEO work; save time and money on functional improvements. And then we will deal with the promotion of your site in search engines and contextual advertising . Make and promote your sites. Be independent. Be the first. Think about how you will communicate with buyers if suddenly there are no messengers. Share your impressions about the crash in the comments.
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