What are meta tags why are they important and how

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What are meta tags why are they important and how

Post by nupur222 »

Customers To understand the importance of metatags for site optimization and the scope of work of an SEO specialist for this same optimization. Qualitatively composed Title and Description have a positive effect on the position of the site and attract free traffic from the Google search engine . Colleagues who are looking for a real up-to-date manual on metatags. Take and use. Content of the article What are meta tags? Why write meta tags? How to fill the Title meta tag How to form the Description meta tag Do you need to register the Keywords meta tag? Tools for working with Title and Description What is the H1 tag and how important is it for SEO? General guidelines for composing meta tags Using templates when composing meta tags Instructions for adding metatags to site pages Checklist for working with meta tags What are meta tags? Meta tags (from the English meta tags ) are lines of HTML page code that provide search engines with additional information about the content of the site page.

Meta tags are not visible on the site, they can only be seen in the code of the web page in the container head. Meta tags are When crawling a site, search engines check web pages for data with the <meta> tag, which contains metadata about the page. Some meta tags help to provide search engines with information about the site in a short and useful form. Which, in turn, provides a high CTR and significantly affects the visibility and position of the site in search engines. What are the types of metadata: Their designation: Metatag Title: This HTML tag is important for SEO: it affects the ranking and clickability of the snippet. Metatag Description: The Description Costa Rica Phone Number List meta tag is an element that contains a description of the page's content. Metatag Keywords: At the moment, it is an irrelevant metatag for search engines, they ignore it. Why write meta tags? Thanks to the completed meta tags on the site pages, search engines Yandex and Google can easily establish the relevance of the content of this page to the search query. Correct completion of meta tags is very important for SEO promotion of any site.


It is advisable to start compiling meta tags at the site creation stage, they should be displayed on each page of the site in HTML code and be unique (there should not be duplication of meta tag values ​​on any page of the site). Why else do you need meta tags: design of attractive snippets. One of the easiest and most effective ways to increase the CTR of a website page is to create a beautiful and attractive snippet for it; increase in ranking. Meta tags tell search engines what your page is about and help them evaluate its relevance to a user's search query; increase in transitions from social networks. For example, Facebook uses meta tags to correctly display information about a page when it is linked on their site; promotion of LF requests. Entering low-frequency key queries in the Title and Description will help you move to the top for these queries faster. Importantly! Before compiling metatags, you need to assemble a semantic core for your site.
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