Trends in contextual advertising for 2022

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Trends in contextual advertising for 2022

Post by nupur222 »

The editors of the Inweb blog translated the Search Engine Journal survey among contextual advertising specialists. ppc trends 2022 23 experts took part in the survey. The article was analyzed and commented on by the Head of PPC Inweb Oleksiy Mamontov. Alexey Mamontov We asked him only two questions: Do you believe in this trend and why? How will it change the lives of Inweb customers? Content of the article What is RRS in 2022? The main trends in contextual advertising (PPC) for 2022: Automation Own data Audience targeting and segmentation Testing Diversification Responsive search ads Conversion tracking Education for small business Back to basics Be prepared for anything What is RRS in 2022? The pandemic accelerated the digitalization of the market. This means that there are more players now in the online advertising market and therefore competition is higher in every business niche. At the same time, it is clear to experts in contextual advertising that the role of manual control is decreasing, and machine learning is also growing at a rapid pace.

This means only one thing: if artificial intelligence frees up the time of a contextual advertising specialist, this time should be spent on tactical and strategic work with the audience, working with connections of various tools, landing pages, creatives, seamless integration of contextual advertising into the business strategy. A PPC specialist should now consider: how to convey UTP and advertising messages for different segments of the CA; how to build a chain of touches and sales surge on the way to conversion; how to improve the Ecuador Phone Number List performance of auto strategies and what data to send for processing. You will have to remember classic marketing and study web analytics in more detail. But that's not all. Video advertising, new for most brands, the possibilities of TikTok and short videos on Instagram and YouTube must be studied without slackening attention. There will be a lot of work. Before publishing this article, we conducted a poll on the Inweb Telegram channel.


Users believe that special attention should be paid to audience targeting and segmentation, with adaptive search ads in second place: poll telegram inweb Study all the trends in detail and tell us what you think about the work of a specialist in contextual advertising in 2022, you can do this in the comments to the article. The main trends in contextual advertising (PPC) for 2022 Automation Automation continues to be a hot topic in contextual advertising trends. Search Engine Journal experts believe that planning, executing and analyzing data-driven campaigns at scale across multiple channels and platforms will require adequate processes and tools to succeed. Investing in AR technology will help marketers gain an edge over their competitors, as well as businesses and brands to be agile in their marketing. Therefore, advertisers should use automation. However, people are still better than machines in terms of strategy, empathy, understanding and prior knowledge. Google is terrible at some aspects of automation, and there are areas where humans clearly outperform machines.
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