What to do with out of-stock product pages

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What to do with out of-stock product pages

Post by nupur222 »

In every online store regardless of the topic and the size of the assortment, sooner or later pages of products that do not exist appear. As a result, a natural question arises: what to do with such pages? In this article, I will talk about popular solutions to the problem of out-of-stock product pages, the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and recommend the most effective method of optimizing them. To begin with, we will consider the most common options for actions on pages where products have run out. 1. Leave unchanged leave unchanged Of course, you can leave everything as it is, not tell users that the product is out of stock and hope for call center managers. They often do so. As a result, during the call and confirmation of the order by the client, the manager really informs that, as they say, such a product has just run out and offers to replace it with a similar one. Let's put ourselves in the user's place.

You have already spent your time choosing products and made an order, you are satisfied with these products, their price, color, characteristics. Do you want to talk to the manager a few hours after the order and exchange the selected products for others? What if the order is large and several items are missing? If you get a call while you're driving, do you stand on one leg in a shuttle bus during rush hour? The beauty of online stores is that you can choose the products you are interested in, having familiarized yourself with the El-Salvador Phone Number List characteristics and other attributes at a time convenient for you. That is why, no matter how professional the manager is, the customer will still be dissatisfied with the work of the store, and if this is also the first order, the chance that the user will return and make a second one is zero. As a user, I personally got into such stores. I can confidently say that I do not plan to order there again.


When the product runs out, the page is disabled and returns a 404 code. Remote pages are normal and should not be feared. Contrary to a common misconception, the search engine is quite normal to the fact that some of the site pages begin to return a 404 code over time, especially for online shopping sites. In such an implementation, it is important to have a high-quality 404 page. Be sure to place the main store categories, a feedback button or form, a carousel with similar products on the link page. If the user sees such a 404 page after switching from the search results, the probability that he will stay on the site and switch to similar products will increase significantly. The downside of this implementation is that almost every store has one or more products that sell best and drive traffic to the site. If the page of such a product becomes unavailable, the site loses a large share of traffic. Users can also actively leave links to these products on external resources (forums, reviews, etc.Thus, by giving a 404 error, you lose natural external links.
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