Correct website structure for SEO what is site structure

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Correct website structure for SEO what is site structure

Post by nupur222 »

The structure of the site is the most important component in the complex chain of work of the resource. The functionality of the site, usability, convenience for a potential user depends on it. After all, if the site is "clumsy", you will not be able to keep your client for a long time. The right structure also affects SEO. Without proper architecture, the site simply will not advance, or it will, but not enough for the expected result. It is important to understand: there is no single scheme for the quality structure of the site. If it was, then this article would not make sense. But there are some features, knowing which you can achieve a certain result. Let's talk about them. Site structure: what it should be and why it is so important A clear, well-thought-out and logical structure of the resource pages is the structure of the site. The entire site is a certain set of links that have a logical order and unity. At this point, you should not forget about the semantic core, which tells what files and information the user should see on the site.

More on that later Let's take building a house as an example. First, a pit is dug, then the foundation is poured and floors are erected. After that, doors, windows, and a beautiful colored facade appear. Now imagine that the roof is built first and the foundation is poured after several floors have been built. Hardly anyone would want to live like that, right? So it is with the site: everything should be based on logic and convenience. This is the main thing in creating a logical structure of the site, otherwise the potential buyer, without Georgia Phone Number List thinking for a long time, will close the link and go to another url. Bottom line: you lose a client, and hence the profit, which would probably cover not only his attraction, but also could go to the development and growth of the site. Now let's delve a little deeper into the theory, without which it is impossible to move forward. A web crawler analyzes the entire site and transmits information to servers at the request of search engines.


The clearer and simpler the structure of the site, the less resources the "spider" spends on its analysis. This means that the site will be indexed faster and will appear in the search results. The speed of indexing directly affects SEO promotion, so you should not neglect it. Internal control weight is an important factor for indexing and ranking. Its absence entails poor authority, which is why the system will consider your site to be of poor quality. At the same time, the most important pages should be given more rights than others. The presence of the correct structure will allow the control weight to be distributed evenly, which will also have a positive effect on the further promotion of the resource. Not only the site is highlighted, but also individual sections The screenshot shows how the search engine highlights not only the site for the sale of equipment, but also individual sections. This allows the user to immediately switch to the desired product category. It is important to understand that it is impossible to manually adjust such a result. The algorithm takes information based on the structure of the site, popular pages and how the site is ranked in search results.
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