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This law does Phone Number List not only have an impact for SMEs based in the

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 3:28 am
by niloy782
EU but for all organizations that collect data from a Phone Number List European citizen regardless of their location. Compliance is mandatory and the penalties are severe. Therefore, it is essential that all SMEs take steps to comply with the GDPR today. The first step in this compliance is to understand the law. So let’s start looking in detail at the key points Phone Number List of this regulation: After 4 years of intense deliberation, the European Union (EU) has decided to replace its two-decade-old Directive 95/46/EC.

This directive was open to interpretation by different Phone Number List EU countries. Therefore, each Member State which operated under the Data Protection Phone Number List Regulations 1995 had its national laws regarding data protection. The GDPR Phone Number List will remove these national interpretations. It is designed to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for all transactions Phone Number List within the 28 Member States. The GDPR also regulates the export of personal data outside of the EU.

This implies that all SMEs Phone Number List operating outside the EU, but marketing their products and services to European citizens, In other words, if you collect or plan to collect data from European citizens and regardless of your location, you Phone Number List will have to “implement appropriate technical and organizational measures” to comply before May 25. . The GDPR contains 11 chapters and 99 articles. It specifies the principles concerning the processing of personal data, the legality of the processing of personal data and the conditions of consent concerning Phone Number List the processing of personal data (including the consent of minors).