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AI tools to do keywor

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 11:51 am
by mdsohanuzamann6
State of Marketing Report 2024 Full Disclosure: I also used AI to generate the outline for this article 3) Meta description for a blog post Cool. Now, you finished your article and you want to come up with a meta description that makes people want to click through to your page in the search results. Well, again you could spend a chunk of time trying to come up with it from scratch, or use the AI bot to do the grunt work for you.

Here are my inputs: Company/Product Name: My AI Pal Blog pos Cambodia Email List title: How to use AI tools to do your keyword research? Blog post description: “A blog post about how to save hours of work using d research to rank high on search engines.” Keyword: keyword research And, drumroll, please… The only change I would make is to take out (AI) from the proposed meta description and presto 4) Alluring email subject lines Now, you want to send an email broadcast to your list introducing your new fancy AI-based keyword research tool.


You got the body pretty much figured out (if not, you can always use the AI bot’s AIDA framework to come up with it) and now you want to create that killer email subject line to maximize open rates. No Problem. We’ll now use the Email Subject Line generator. Here are my inputs: Company/Product Name: My AI Pal Tone of Voice: Helpful What is your email about?: This email is about promoting our new software tool that uses AI to do keyword research on the fly.