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Then you need to assess these answers

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 5:28 am
by sharminjahan28
Using follow-up questions, you asked the detractors the reason behind their rating and found multiple issues throughout the customer journey. Now that you know what you need to improve, you can strategize accordingly to make the experience better and enhance customer satisfaction. As another example, suppose you have more promoters than detractors. You can’t treat your loyal customers as passive customers.

So, to ensure they are happy and loyal to Cabo Verde Email List your company, you can create loyalty programs to increase engagement and enhance their overall experience to the extent that they become brand advocates who bring in more customers The End Goal: Improving Customer Satisfaction Indirect feedback needs to be analyzed, as does direct feedback if something valuable needs to be made of them.


How you collect customer feedback, directly or indirectly, affects their usability. You can ask questions like “how can we improve our product” to collect free-form answers. for any underlying intent to figure out what the majority feels is missing from your product. Since improvement is an iterative process, going through the processes to increase CSAT with every round of changes (no matter big or small) is essential to measure the effect of every change on CSAT.