They put in place effective barriers to protect themselves.

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They put in place effective barriers to protect themselves.

Post by mdshohidhasan4632 »

The prospecting techniques that were popular just a few years ago are no longer bearing fruit because consumer behavior has changed significantly. They no longer want cold calls (the famous “cold calling”) nor unwanted canvassing nor poorly targeted offers. Conversely they want to be more autonomous and take the time to gather as much information as possible before making a decision.

Thus in BtoB % of the purchasing journey is Pitcairn Email List ompleted by the prospect before the first contact with a company representative (Accenture – Annual Global Consumer Pulse Research study ()). Consumers don't just complain when salespeople approach them unexpectedly:


Either they avoid answering the phone when the number is unknown to them (NB: soliciting customers using hidden numbers is prohibited); or they register on Bloctel – the telephone canvassing opposition service launched by the government – ​​and do not hesitate to file complaints when companies exceed their rights.
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