A Beginner's Guide to Common SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them (Infographic)

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A Beginner's Guide to Common SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them (Infographic)

Post by zahidseo »

There are a ton of examples online that you can browse, it was great marketing. It's also a good idea to check on those that have performed poorly so you don't make the same mistakes. Are you ready for three fun contest examples?Dove : The “True Beauty Should Be Shared” contest on Facebook was awesome!

They asked fans to post a photo and tell them why their friend is the real beauty. They had to provide the friend's name and two things that make them look good. The best part is there were 工作职能邮件数据库 no prize gimmicks, just a chance to be the new face of Dove. Why do I like this one so much? Because it includes real people named by someone they know and carrying Dove's message about the diversity of true beauty. How can you do something like this?

Briggs & Stratton : The “Mower Mouth” contest on Facebook was really fun. They held a video contest on Facebook called Mower Mouth which asked people to submit videos that mimicked the sound of a lawn mower. They invented a new silent motor. For the prize, they offered $5,000 in cash and a new lawn mower with QPT technology. Why do I like this
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