Reasons showing the need to have a digital strategy for all companies

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Reasons showing the need to have a digital strategy for all companies

Post by tamimislam66666 »

Tablets are vertically sized from 480 pixels to 800 pixels, but if they are taken horizontally, their size reaches a maximum of 1280 pixels. Apart from all this, it is better that your site is compatible with the page that most of your users use. To understand this, you can use Google Analytics. Design for touch phones: Fingers do not have the function of a computer mouse. We can't expect them to act like a right click! So you should consider a suitable space for them so that they don't click on other links by mistake. When designing a website for touch phones, you should take some things seriously: Consider enough space for the finger: As we said, fingers are not as accurate as a mouse.

They disappear when touched and do not mark on the screen like a m Micronesia Email List ouse and occupy more space to touch an item. Make sure that the space around 28 x 28 pixels is empty around your links. Give feedback to your users when the page is touched: Many of your visitors with slow or disconnected connections have to wait several times to reach the next page by touching the link or button. By highlighting the button or link, let them know that they touched it and now they have to wait for it to load. If you don't inform them, they will eventually get tired and may not reach the goal they want and leave your site.


Use buttons: Buttons clearly indicate whether users can click on the activation link or not. Since, unlike a desktop screen, you can't use an icon to tell them that their finger has hit the right place, that's why it's better to consider a clickable area for your screen. Redesign drop-down menus: These still work on mobile and can be a great way to hide information until you need it, but they often open with a click of the mouse. Mobile drop-down menus should be opened with a tap and there should be a space between the options. Minimize text typing: Typing on a mobile phone is slower and requires an on-screen keyboard that takes up half of the visible screen.
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