How to search Google Images?

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How to search Google Images?

Post by zahidseo »

? Main SEO techniques SEO tools How to plan an SEO strategy? Back to index What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, or optimization for search engines, in Spanish. It is a set of optimization and improvement techniques for websites, blogs and Internet pages. These optimizations (discussed in more detail later) serve to achieve good positions in search results and therefore generate organic traffic and authority for a website or blog. It works something like this: Every time a new page is published on the Internet, Google tries to index it in its database so that it can be found when a person performs a search.

The problem is that thousands of new pages are published every day. Because of this, the competition is huge. Also, search engines cannot "read" web pages. SEO emerges as a tool to help search engine algorithms buy email database identify the content of a page and define the best location of this page for a given search term. Watch, in the following video, some search engine optimization tips that Ana explains to us in this Hotmart Tips: Why is SEO so important? As of this writing, there are more than 1.7

billion sites online worldwide. And that number continues to grow. The problem is that all these pages compete with each other for the attention of Internet users and to see who attracts the most traffic. But how do you stand out from the competition and guarantee more visitors to your website or blog? Simple, appearing among the first Google search results. And preferably in the top 3. Statistics show that 61% of people searching for something on Google click on the first three results. This means that only 4 out of 10 people decide to click on a website that is below the third position in search results.
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