8 Ways to Make Money From Home (Tested and Approved!)

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8 Ways to Make Money From Home (Tested and Approved!)

Post by zahidseo »

Plan your day There is no other solution. If you want to be more productive and put aside procrastination, you must create the habit of planning your activities daily. Ideally, take a moment the day before to write down on paper (or a computer spreadsheet) the main activities you will do the next day and the deadlines for each one. Also set priorities and define which tasks will require more attention and energy from you. You can do your planning using a physical planner, post-it style stickers, Excel spreadsheets, a text document… it doesn't matter what medium, as long as you list everything you need to do for the day.

And of course, do everything you planned! 2. Organize the activities according to the context Do you know what destroys a person's productivity the most? Do activities that have no relation to each other. For those who work at home as a freelancer, this is a great challenge. Try to schedule related tasks and projects for the same time or phone number list day of the week. Your mind will focus more on that specific context and thus your work will flow much more easily. If you work with digital marketing , for example, it can be interesting to gather similar activities in the same period. For example, analyze keywords, develop a guideline pitch or follow the performance metrics of your blog . 3. Focus on one activity at a time It seems that we live in the era of multitasking . We all have to do more than one task at a time or we are not productive. After all, we have in the palm of our hands devices capable of doing a thousand and one tasks simultaneously. So we have to be as efficient as cell phones, right? However, this is another problem that robs anyone of productivity. The truth is that trying to focus on a million things at the same time does not help anyone to work harder and better. Just the opposite happens. Trying to focus on more than one task is quite detrimental and causes, among other things: more difficulties filtering information, since our brain ends up ignoring external

stimuli when we are doing something, which demands a greater effort from us to process different information; a drop in productivity due to deconcentration when changing tasks and contexts; an increase in the number of errors caused by distractions and brain fog; an increase in anxiety and a drop in self-esteem. 4. Run away from distractions The next step is to say goodbye to everything that distracts you. For that, think about the triggers that lead you to procrastinate. A great example is the cell phone. Constant notifications are an invitation to waste time. To avoid them, try leaving it on airplane mode or keeping it away during more important tasks. But what if what hinders productivity is the work environment itself? Today it is very common for companies to opt for open offices (the famous open space), without walls or rooms, where staff work together at large shared tables. It's amazing to have the whole team around, exchanging energy and information. The problem is when everyone starts talking at the same time, something that can throw some people off. If this is your case, do not hesitate to notify your managers and find a more reserved and quiet place to finish urgent and complex tasks. They will certainly understand. 5. Don't be afraid to rest It is no use trying to stay focused on work for 8 hours straight. Believe me, infinite concentration is humanly impossible. I don't say it. Science says so! The human brain loves to work in cycles and our concentration w
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