Translation in Digital Marketing: Like a Glove!

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Translation in Digital Marketing: Like a Glove!

Post by zahidseo »

Translation and marketing are nowadays two sides of the same coin given the great production of content and the need to make that content reach different cultures through different languages.

Translation has existed since ancient times and implies special database the transmission of information from one context to another, since these contexts handle different information codes. These codes, moreover, are grouped around a language that can be oral or written.

The problem is that when we talk about context and language, we also talk about culture and even worldviews. There are more than 500 million people who have Spanish as their language, for example, counting Spanish-speakers in countries such as the United States, Brazil and Italy.

What “banana” is said differently among Spanish speakers? Yes, among the different names are: banana, cambur, topocho, banana banana, murrapo, etc.

But neither the bananas, nor the specific translation in Spanish, are the subject of this post and how do you do to place a business in other contexts and languages .

A spoiler: marketing will help you do it and this post will help you understand it!
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