Find Out What Clickbait Is and Why You Should Avoid Its Practice

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Find Out What Clickbait Is and Why You Should Avoid Its Practice

Post by zahidseo »

Have you ever, surfing the Internet, come across a post on social networks, videos or an email that promised to solve all your problems? As a miracle formula to enrich, or lose weight in a few days or a revolutionary new product? Who ever has not stopped everything they were doing to click on a link and see an irresistible offer, only to later realize that the content did not live up to the promise of the title, cast the first stone.
Believe it, this is more common than it seems and everyone has been through this situation at least once. At that moment, the feeling is that we were seduced by an absolutely irresistible lure. To employee data that temptation we give the name of clickbait . In today's article, you will understand more about this common practice in the digital environment and why you should avoid it in your marketing strategies . Shall we start? What is clickbait? Does that name sound strange to you? Calm down, because you already saw several clickbaits out there. You may even have been a victim of some of them. Clickbait – or click lure, translated into Spanish – is content that makes exaggerated and miraculous promises to lead users to a certain page on the web. This type of content generally "fishes" the public's attention with tempting and sensational titles and calls, such as "you will not believe it" or "you will never find out what happened".

However, a clickbait does not keep its promises and lies to the user. Clickbait works like fishing lures: it promises some secret or miracle solution to a problem, readers are seduced and don't think twice before clicking on the content. Many people, especially small businesses that want instant results, tend to use clickbait because it is an extremely fast way to generate online traffic. And with more traffic, there are more leads and more sales. The problem is that since the promises of the title are rarely delivered, users feel cheated and abandon the brand. Why clickbait works? If clickbait is all about using sensational or misleading copywriting to attract clicks and traffic, why are there still people who fall for it? And why are there still companies and professionals who insist on this practice?
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