How to Make Branding and SEO Work Together to Get You Higher Rankings

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How to Make Branding and SEO Work Together to Get You Higher Rankings

Post by zahidseo »

You can find many articles about the competition between branding and SEO. To be honest, I don't understand. I might be the dumbest one, but from what I can tell, SEO and branding work together, not against each other. It's not about what to focus more on, it's about knowing how not to lose opportunities when working on one or the other.So SEO strategies help you to rank higher. If you have an online business, that matters a lot. But what exactly is a branding campaign? Well… most people think of the brand as the logo and the things you put it on.But branding is more than that! It is the personality of your business. The image of your product and your team. Or, to put it mildly, branding is what other people are talking about when you leave the room. Everything you do with your business can affect your brand reputation, either positively or negatively.Improving your brand actually means improving everything about your business.Why should you focus on building your brand when doing SEO?SEO is a very big part of inbound digital marketing methodology . Here are some stats from Moz. As you can see, SEO and PPC account for around 90% of all clicks on the web. Additionally, Google ads only get about 2.6% of clicks in search 购买批量短信服务 results. The rest goes to SEO, through content marketing.Branding drives direct traffic, which is one of the top 3 sources of website traffic, among social media and organic search. Of course, some of that traffic is actually organic , but it's somehow tied to your brand.Even if you rely on commercial keywords for the

bulk of your traffic, there is still a lot of value that branding can bring to you.Over the years, Google and other search engines have made changes that indicate their preference for strong brands. An example would be the EMD (Exact Match Domain) update.Minor weather report: A small upcoming Google algo change will reduce low-quality "exact match" domains in search results.— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) September 28, 2012The new Exact Match Domain (EMD) algorithm affects 0.6% of English-American queries to a noticeable degree. Unrelated to Panda/Penguin.— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) September 28, 2012The Search plus Your World update also indicates that Google likes to show people the brands they usually visit. If someone visits your website directly, your site will gain a small boost in rankings when people search for related keywords that you are targeting.When you build branded backlinks, you are spreading your brand message in front of a large audience. Your goal is to create awareness for your brand and make it a priority. Once there, everything will change.You see, people don't just buy things online. They're looking for. Many.

That's the beauty of shopping online. You're not just relying on someone trying to sell you something just because you're in THEIR store. You can leave whenever you want without rejecting anyone and above all, ask others and see the opinions of others.
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