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"What are you doing about it?" is the second question.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:29 am
by zahidseo
Awareness and advocacy are admirable, but they are not enough. Action is essential and expected. Your brand's social media channels provide platforms for proof, but your answer to this question goes beyond social media. As Gavin MacMillan, Chief Strategy Officer at Ogilvy Köp e-postdatabas och bygg e-postlista snabbt Melbourne, explains: “We have moved beyond the eras of image and cultural branding into a world where only useful brands matter. To be useful, you need to think beyond brand ideas to find content and utility that reflects passion or resolves tension.

People don't hesitate to act according to their expectations of brands. Harvard Business Review research shows that 85% of global consumers are more likely to recommend companies with a strong purpose. And the Cone Communications study found that 70% of Americans believe companies are compelled to improve issues beyond day-to-day business operations, resulting in real change for society and the environment. The viral potential of social media makes it the primary medium for large-scale action.

You can't settle for an idea, you have to take action like these brands.

Donation Matching
Donating your products or services in a one-to-one match connects a cause directly to your bottom line. TOMS incorporates this approach into its business model by donating shoes and other services to those in need with every purchase. To celebrate its anniversary, TOMS ran a shoe-free campaign, donating a pair of shoes to an underprivileged child for every barefoot Instagram photo posted with the hashtag #WithoutShoes