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Do You Know What a Vlog Is? Discover This Video Format and Learn How to Make a Successful One

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:09 am
by zahidseo
Do you know what a vlog is? Discover this video format and learn how to make a successful one Tips By Hotmart Reading Time 7 minutes Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Vlog - illustration of a computer with a vlog on the screen. According to eMarketer , from 2012 to 2016 there was an 87% growth in the number of people who watched video online. In this scenario, one of the video formats that has become more popular on the Internet is the vlog. In this article, you will find out what a vlog is and why they are so successful.

In addition, we will show you all the steps to create yours and make sure it is a success. What is vlogging? Before videos became popular, vlogs were called podcasts , a term used to Acheter une base de données refer to audio and video posts. Today, the two adopted their own nomenclature. The term vlog is used to define video streamers, even if they don't use a blog. The vlog is published by other means of communication , such as YouTube and more recently, by Instagram's IGTV . People who make vlogs are called vloggers or vloggers. With the growth of social networks, they also take advantage of other resources such as live broadcasts . The vlog, therefore, is a mixture of blogs with streaming,

and it is about videos made in the first person. And the reason for its success is the fact that the vlogger speaks in a very direct way to his audience, which generates a strong identification between the person and the latter. In addition, videos can feature visual effects that enrich the user experience, and they also have a higher ability to go viral, which is one of the reasons why there are so many famous vloggers. But what are the elements to make a successful vlog? How to make a successful vlog Recording and uploading a video is not difficult at all, what is really important is knowing how to highlight the content.