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Learn How to Stream on Youtube Live From Pc, Mobile and Obs

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:11 am
by zahidseo
Know more advantages: Detailed information about your product and easy to see for your buyers. Integrated with Hotmart Ask, a survey tool that allows you to monitor your students' performance or use evaluations as social proof, thereby increasing the chances of converting your visitor into a buyer. Integration with the Hotmart Members Area. SEO optimization for search sites like Google and Bing. Questions and answers section to answer the questions of visitors who intend to buy. Integration with Youtube and Vimeo for the insertion of videos directly on the page. Accompaniment of our team to guarantee the continuous improvement and increase in the conversion rates of your products. And you know what's even better?

The Hotmart Product Page can be one more sales option to include in your strategy. If you already have an external Sales Page you can create your Product Page and try different approaches to drive the conversion of your visitors. Imagine that on your external Sales Page you use images of your product. On the Product Page you can Compre banco de dados de e-mail take a different path and explore, for example, its presentation in the form of a video, as well as being able to use the evaluations of your current students as social proof. Interesting, right? But there is still more! With the Hotmart Product Page, your Product also has the opportunity to appear on the Hotmart website, where an exclusive selection of products is displayed directly to the thousands of visitors who directly access the website. Can you imagine your product appearing there gaining all that visibility without you having to invest a penny? This is another great way to boost your sales. Well, now you will know how to create it. Create your page in a few clicks As I have already told you before, you can have your Product Page without needing to know anything about programming. Everything is done with a few clicks and within the

Hotmart platform. Simply follow the steps below to create your own and start using it in your sales strategy. Access your Hotmart account through theIn the side menu, click Products , then I'm a Producer, and then click the desired product. Go to the Product Page option . Choose the option Generated by Hotmart. From here, just fill in the information about your product. Remember that this is a very