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How to Overcome the Fear of Failure: Strategies and Reflections

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:15 am
by zahidseo
Time 13 minutes Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp How to overcome the fear of failure: A target with arrows that do not reach you. Feeling insecure in the face of the unknown is more common than you think. A promotion in sight, a new life abroad, the presentation of a conference, everything that makes us leave the comfort zone can lead us to a fear that, many times, prevents us from continuing. However, all is not lost! In this post, we bring the answers of

different people to the same question: How to overcome the fear of failure? Each one brings a different vision on the subject and presents us with strategies so that we can overcome this fear of failure. Where do our fears come from? Our fears have an ancient origin and it is not a sensation experienced only by human beings. Animals feel it too. It is a Koop e-pos databasis en bou e-poslys vinnig defense mechanism both for them and for us. It all starts in our limbic system, a kind of control tower for our emotions. When we are faced with a dangerous situation, a part of the brain is activated so that we can react in time. As you can see, fear is something natural.

It is an adaptation to nature that allowed the survival of our species. Without trying this sensation, perhaps we would all be devoured by other animals, stronger and faster. Although we only have to worry about large predators, we still fear many things. Some of those fears are the result of our negative experiences.