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How to Search Google Images?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:29 am
by zahidseo
Learn about the main optimization techniques so that your content stands out in Google searches By Mark Pereira Reading Time 28min Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp SEO - image of a page attracting magnets for it One of the biggest dreams of almost all people who have an Internet business is to appear in the first results of Google search. After all, being at the top of the searches is almost a guarantee of more visitors and, consequently, sales! But having a website, a blog or an e-commerce is not

enough to conquer the first page of Google. For this, it is necessary to invest in a series of optimizations to ensure that your content appears for people searching for your business. These optimizations aim to email list improve the user experience on your website, blog or online store, as well as show search engines that your content is relevant. This strategy has a name: Search Engine Optimization , or SEO! In this post, we will introduce you to the main concepts to start working with SEO,

in addition to giving you tips on how to apply this strategy to your pages. That way, you will have more chances to win the long-awaited first place in Google. Are you interested? Then read on. See what you will learn: Post index Menu Index What is SEO? Why is SEO so important? How does Google search work? What are the main ranking factors of Google? Main SEO techniques SEO tools How to plan an SEO strategy? Back to index What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, or optimization for search engines, in Spanish. It is a set of optimization and improvement techniques for websites, blogs and Internet pages.