13 Tips to Work From Home and Be More Productive

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13 Tips to Work From Home and Be More Productive

Post by zahidseo »

When you optimize your content for SEO, you make it compatible with the ranking parameters used by search engines. Therefore, the algorithms will be able to identify what your website or blog is about and classify it correctly. This allows your page to get better positions and be seen by a greater number of people. And you know,

the more people see your brand, the greater the reach of your business on and off the web. It doesn't matter if you are an affiliate or a producer, you must be seen to win good business opportunities! And SEO email list helps you with that. How does Google search work? Well, now you know what SEO is and why it is important for your business. However, to develop an efficient optimization strategy, it is essential to understand how Google works. Every day, millions of people search for

content on the most diverse topics on the platform. In fact, there are over 5 BILLION searches per day ! It's a lot of stuff. And if you have used Google, you already know the SERP, in English: Search engine results page , or the search results page. You have also noticed that the results are divided into two groups: organic results and paid results. Paid results (in the red box in the image below) are displayed at the top of the page marked “Ad”. These contents are from companies that used the Google Ads advertising tool to promote their pages. Below the ads are the organic results (in the blue box).
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