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The Best Strategies to Earn More With Your Events

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:36 am
by zahidseo
Providing good customer service is an obligation for everyone who has a business, since the customer is the reason for being of a business. However, not everyone knows how to offer this quality care. In this video, we separate the best tips so that you can not have customers, but fans of your business, because excellent service makes people fall in love. And if you prefer to read the content, don't worry. All that is said is written below! Transcription How to serve your customer well Is transmitting empathy in customer service an impossible mission? My name is Ulisses, I'm a Hotmart Marketing Analyst, and in today's video I'm going to show you 5 tips that will help you make customer service more efficient. Love The first tip, as the blue angels

would say, is: love, love, love. Love is the essence of customer service. Everyone who has already had to deal with someone by e-mail, or SMS, for example, has come across answers like: “I don't want to talk to a robot, I want to talk to a real person, and Love is what will humanize your customer service.” Familiarity Love transmits familiarity consumer email list that brings people closer, and makes your client realize the value you deliver in that attention. It makes him see that there really is a person behind the computer screen. Use familiarity to bring the client closer to you, that goes from: "Hi So-and-so, how are you today?" Even wishing a good weekend if you are attending it on a Friday. Of course, all this must be done with great sincerity. If you're angry at the customer who's filling up your email inbox, it's not worth the risk of sounding fake, is it? The tone But be careful, you need to know the

tone the client is using and respond appropriately. For example, you are not going to send a very delicate e-mail, full of smileys and little flowers if your product is aimed at an audience of law students, or lawyers who are studying for a selective process. By nature, this public uses a more formal language and the most important requirement of Love is assertiveness and transparency of information. Whenever a client comes into contact, try to provide information in the clearest and most objective way, without detours. This will make him feel safe and trust your attention. Decrease response time Suggestion #2 is: Decrease response time. We need to start from the assumption that bad news travels faster than any good news and the faster we respond to the customer's request, the less chance they will use other complaint mechanisms, such as social networks or complaint channels. damage the image An adverse comment on one of these platforms can damage the image of your business. In addition, the faster you solve your customer's doubt or problem, the greater the chances that he will become more involved with your product and your story. Well, he will see the commitment you have with your business and with helping people. Urgency We have to remember that people urgently want the answers. In the end, when you have a pain, you want it to be solved as quickly as possible.