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Increase the Value of Each Purchase With Relevant Content

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:15 am
by zahidseo
A Hotmart study shows that 85% of buyers say they would buy another product from the same Producer. Following that logic, why not offer another product to your customers? It can be an ebook that complements the main product, for example. But, if you want to stand out in the market and get even closer to your customers,

offer them access to a community in which you publish constantly, as a complementary product. Thus, you give them something different and create an opportunity to talk more closely with your 手机号码列表 buyers. Better still: you will be more present in their day to day. Here are some hints for you to start using this idea right now. The first step is to create a paid community on Hotmart Sparkle. To put this plan into practice, it is necessary to think about a content calendar, the regularity of the publications and the value that you will charge for the subscription.

Remember that your customers will be eager for relevant content, so plan ahead! Here are more details . All ready? If you already use the checkout page skin, Hotmart's customizable checkout page, just turn on Order Bump to include the paid community as an add-on product. This resource allows you to add the community pays the payment page . So your customer buys everything at once. Come to see the step by step to configure Order Bump . 3. Develop your business with events Strengthening your position in the market is a way to increase your authority in the niche in which you operate and to boost your sales growth. One of the actions that can help you achieve this is to create digital or face-to-face events. Events can be a channel to strengthen the relationship with existing customers and conquer new ones. To be successful, actions must be planned in advance. In this way, you do not harm other marketing and sales actions.