You can set many goals for your social campaign

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You can set many goals for your social campaign

Post by marziyamim316 »

Like: Increase brand awareness Increase sales Increase form submissions/sign-ups Increase leads Although it’s great to have these umbrella goals, you’ll want to be more specific. It’s critical that your goals are SMART goals. SMART stands for: Specific: Your goals should be detailed and lay out precisely what you want to achieve with your social media strategy. Measurable: If you simply say “increase sales,” you won’t know if you ever achieve that goal.

Instead, set specific goals like “increase sales by 15%,” so you can Liechtenstein Email List easily monitor your progress. Achievable: You don’t want to set your team up for failure. If you set a goal to see a 50% increase in sales when you’ve only been seeing a 10% increase month over month, you might be setting up your team for failure. Focus on goals that are challenging but doable.


Relevant: Your goals should align with what your business wants to achieve and should be relevant to both your company and industry. Timely: Set deadlines for you to achieve goals, otherwise you’ll never know if you’re being productive and driving results. Whether it’s a week, month, or year, give your team a deadline so they can actively work to achieve your goals before the closing date. SMART goals will set you up for success and help guide you when you create your social media strategy.
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